Hyfire UK
Keeping people and property safe from fire
Using the power of wireless technology
Fully certified to EN54-25


Early detection of fire
Easy and unobtrusive installation
Minimum disruption, cost efficient solution
Long term protection with future proofed products

Hotels, hospitality and catering facilities
Challenges for the installation of a fire system:
- Hospitality facilities often renew rooms and communal areas layout to ensure a comfortable guests experience, but this requires a quick and effective updgarde of the fire system for property and guest protection
- To avoid any disruption of the day to day operations in active facilities, works need to be carried out over limited timescales, rapidly and in near silence
- Prestigious or historic interiors, when present, require careful handling and minimal intervention
Heritage Sites and Listed Buildings
Challenges for the installation of a fire system:
- Listed buildings and historic interiors require careful handling and minimal intervention
- Thick walls, convoluted floorplans and wide fire hazards can complicate fire system design and installation
- Unknown quality and condition of construction could lead to unexpected costs and delays

Schools and educational facilities
Having the proper fire protection systems in place in schools and education facilities is fundamental to help students and other people in the building staying safe and secure if a fire occurs. Wireless fire alarm and protection systems by Hyfire give time to get out safely by providing early detection and notification that there is a fire.
Challenges for the installation of a fire system:
- Educational facilities can vary in size, number of people, space types (they can include dormitories, kitchens, laboratories) with different fire risks to be addressed
- Existing schools are sometimes in old buildings; in these cases, listed buildings and historic interiors require careful handling and minimal intervention
- To avoid any disruption of the day to day activities in active schools, works need to be carried out over limited timescales, quickly and in near silence
Care homes, nursing homes, assisted living applications
In any care home environment, the installation and upgrade of fire systems can be complex, but the process can cause even more upheaval when residents are in place. Traditionally, this type of work was done alongside wider refurbishment projects such as rewiring and redecoration, but with rapidly evolving fire regulations it’s not always possible to wait for such an opportunity. A wireless device can be pre-programmed offsite and installed in minutes, with almost zero impact on the building’s fabric.
Challenges for the installation of a fire system:
- Care homes are more prone to fire risks than many other building types, with complex electrical networks, older and untested electrical items owned by residents, and large open spaces for day rooms and communal areas
- Elderly or not in good health residents can be particularly vulnerable to noise and inconvenience created by the installation
- In some instances, access to the resident’s room can be an issue, making more difficult to complete the installation in a timely manner

Keeping you safe from fire.

Hyfire offers the widest range of commercial standard wireless fire devices on the market, ranging from optical, multi-criteria and heat detectors to notification, alarm, interface and control units, all fully certified to EN54. All products offer the highest performance and quality in the industry.
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Curzon Place

Radio City Music Hall Italy
DeveloperUnity Building

Unity Building
Client of CompanySeven Sisters